Both of these activities should not be done on the groomed cross country ski trails as they will ruin the work being done by the volunteers grooming the trails. For example Classic skiing requires setting of two channels in the snow and dog paw/foot prints/snow shoe prints ruin the channels made in the snow for skiing. Therefore please do not do these activities on the ski trails.
However please note there is newly marked signs for snow shoeing on the West Side Trails. There is over 5 KM of snow shoe trails. You can find the map for this at the West Side Ski Shack for ease of reference.
Dog Walking:
- The north portion of Camp Morton is good for dog walking as Dog owners can park on the Road and walk directly into the park through the gates to the park.
- The lake and beaches are also excellent for this activity.
- The toboggan hill area in North Gimli.
Snow Shoe Enthusiasts:
- there are several other suggestions for this activity in addition to the West Side marked snow shoe trails for you to check into
- Willow Creek Road West ends at a small Church. This area gives access to safe and beautiful snowshoeing on Willow Creek through an area known as “The Heath.”
- Parking on McElheran Road at the rail bed gives direct access to Fish Lake drain area.